Details for this torrent 

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun
Games > PC
1.33 GB

Oct 31, 2004

Här kommer den. Tiberian Sun i image filer. Mounta med daemon tools, och installera. CD-Key 009821-438317-260414-1890.
senaste patchen och no-cd cracken medföljer! plus några trainers (ej testade)


Mycket bra spel! Seeds? :thumbsup:
Jag ligger kvar o seedar detta underbara spel ett tag när jag tankat hem det :)
Tyvärr så värkar inte Patchen funka. inte heller cracken, dock kanske inte cracken funkar förens man patchar.

står nått om Missing or invalid registry/INI entry.

Is this the English version of the game?
seeda nån , snälla
skit fil fins inga cue filer.... testar att bränna skiten... om inte det funkar kan nån ge mig ett råd om hur jag får ingång detta
1 hel kbps!
please seed....

vær så snill?
vad ska man använda för att öppna nrg filerna ???? jag vet inte riktigt hur man ska gö behöver hjälp
de här jävla skitet funkar ju inte patchen funkar inte och jag har tilll och med laddat hem en ny så funkar det fort farande inte jävla skit
tar till backa allt elakt om pathcen men int eom spelet
Guys, can someone please tell explain me how to crack this game correctly? It is rather more complicated than I expected :/
please help me.

Some assistance with the cracking would be nice, since quite a couple of us can't seem to make it work.
i can not get this to work at all.. its pissing me off.. ive been on the net and downloaded cracks yet none of the fuckin things seem to work.. if someone knows how please relieve me on anymore of this bullshit and fill me in on how to get this thing to work

Thanks in advance...
Shouldn't u first burn it onto a dvd and than the crack is installed on the cd and copy it from the cd to the gamemap?? I just started downloading this file..
Patcha spelet först, sedan cracka det, annars funkar det inte!
IS this game good???????????????????????????
Hey Guys!
I see you dont get it too xD
I cracked it with three more cracks for this patch, and it isn't work. I started to think, maybe the gme is wrong xD
Asså hur ska man mounta den de finns ju inge cue. fil lr nåt?????? HJÄLP!!! hur installerar man det fattar inte ett skiit....?????
this game is not only good. its best!
brenn nrg filene som image filer. så kan du innstalere spillet.

burn the nrg files as image files. then you will be able to instal the game.
Cracket funkar ju inte alls! ..hjälp mig!!
I actually got this to run. Follow the instructions in the ripcd.txt in the file

Copy the files...



To your game directory.

Then run the patch file.
You will get the "Missing or invalid registry/ini entry." error just hit ok.

Let it run. Select your game.exe file when it pops up and it will patch just fine.

I then ran the crack executable and everything went smoothly.

Running it under windows 2000 running just fine.
hmm, något som jag gör fel...

jag har kopierat filerna till setup mappen där filen "game" finns..

sen så har jag patchat upp game filen med den senaste patchen...

efter det så försökte jag cracka nya game filen men då får jag bara "failed"

vad har jag missat,, skulle vara bussigt om nån har svar...
Vart samma sak för mig "elvs" så jag hämta ett annat crack. Nu startar spelet men jag kan inte ladda ngt scenario
Vad är detta för hat ??
Har installerat spelet men när ja startar det så står dt att tiberian sun inte hittar cd-skivan.. vad ska jag göra?
Weard..It worked fine when I patched it and cracked it so i hope you guys could make it :)
Whats the friggin CD-key????
Cant get this work :(
When i try to start it, it says something about missing .DLL files ...
I've done what that ripcd file says... HELP! please
Might it be that i use Windows Vista???
Use Magic Iso Maker ( to extract the files. Or use DAEMON Tools ( to emulate it. And u don't need to burn or extact the files
jag får det inte att funka för det är en .DLL fil som saknas eller är skadad säger vista-helvetet...
kanon funkar perfekt
installera ts1 först sedan patchen och avsluta med cracken
så funkar det
Hunga, Help Us!!! How do we can get the patch?!?!?!?!
Could someone tell me what is the name of DLL file?
For you Vista users out there:
1. Run the game (and probably the patch as well) as administrators, and run in Windows 98 compatibility mode. (Right-click on the file in question, choose Properties, Compatibility etc)
2. When the patch complains just press OK and then WAIT. After a few minutes or so the patch will give up and display a pop-up box where it asks you to enter a file. Navigate to the directory where you installed the game, and choose the GAME.EXE file. The patch will now be applied without problems.
3. When the patch has been applied, follow the instructions in the text file inside of the No-CD crack compressed file.
how do you copy the text into the files?
What do you mean...?
This is annoying, I'm doing what people say I should do, but when I try and patch it, and I click ok, the patch window stops responding. Any idea what to do?
Also, where is the "missing or invalid registry/INI"?
använd först senaste patchen 2.03!!!! jag fick vänta ett tag. en ruta kommer upp. välj cd1 eller om det var cd2
Sen no cd cracken!

spelar det nu! / Anders
how do i play online?
Patcher and Cd-Cracker, do not work. Patcher is missing plugins/INI files and the Cd-Cracker fails.

Don't waste your time.
Let's see, after giving into my craving of TS. I re-downloaded. After I installed, patched and attempted to crack the game, everything seemed fine except after running the game. "Failed to Initialize." It said to reinstall, I did and everything was undone. I installed it again, and this time only ran the patcher. I didnt touch the CD-Crack, ran the game and poof! it worked. I suggest trying the same thing people. Also, for those of you using Hamachi, join my network, "BehemothGames". I've been looking into getting a gaming network going. If your interested, join and message me. Thanks and enjoy TS.
Ill repeat, join "BehemothGames", the password is "kickass". See you round.
How to use the trainer?
I've copy that trainer small file to directory and when i run it it said that the trainer has stop working!
Please tell me step by step to use that trainer!
Got the game to work fine, just couldn't load the second mission for either side. It'd just say "couldn't initialize map" or some such and then reload mssion one.
Never mind, it's cool, didn't like this one much anyway. I have Generals ;)
snälla seeda för *** för det tar ganska lång tid. jag vill så gärna ha detta spelet =P
I've managed to patch it, and crack it, and it should be working... but only minutes into the first mission the game crashes. Epic fail on this torrent, here's my advice:

Go and purchase a platinum release, this game has been around for 9 or so years now, so you should be looking at a bargain.

Also, this game is fun online ( if you can get a severver running, that is... )
Seriously. Your advice, to people who use a piracy website, is to BUY the game?
Good one, I needed a laugh.
I don't understand. I'm trying to install this game, but everytime I run the installation, it tells me: "Please Insert CD-ROM disc", and it shuts down.

What's happening?!
Great torrent, great game, works fine. Thanx hunga and all the seeders :D
.nrg format is destined for fail. Will download this but am a bit sceptical after reading other user comments. Hope this works.
Kör inget no cd crack, bara patch 2.03 sedan går det bra att spela efter man kört SUN.EXE.
works great under xp, just make sure that EVERYTHING including the patch, is running in compatibility mode with win95
nice1 hunga tnx!

This game works fine except for the LAN, which is the main reason why I downloaded it ... Anyone know why, or how to get it to work? Thanks ...
works perfect patched 2.03 with firestorm using this crack.

if u want to play firestorm

firestorm >

copy these files into your game directory

i.e. C:\Westwood\SUN


C&C : Tiberian Sun from CD2: MAPS02.MIX, MOVIES02.MIX, SIDECD02.MIX


patch install

crack it
does this work on windows 7? PLEASE RESPOND!
This game can now be downloaded for free from EA games website :
"This game can now be downloaded for free from EA games website :"

FAIL WRONG IDIOT, its $19.99
Instructions for those who tried and didn't work.

Here's my own Tutorial for Installation.

1. Download the game.

2. Download daemon tools -
Note: you have to use daemon tools to be able to mount and install .nrg files
because if you don't, you will end up "Please Insert CD-ROM disc" when trying to install.

3. Apply the Serial: 009821-438317-260414-1890

4. After installation, go to My Computer and open the mounted GDI disc image
and then copy the following files:


then paste it into install directory. (replace files if asked)

5. Unmount the GDI disc image then mount the NOD disc and copy the following:


then paste to install directory. (replace files if asked)

6. Go to the download folder and Run "Senaste Patchen 2.03".
just press ok, and it will prompt you to "Patch Warning" or it says "Missing or Invalid Registry/INI entry"
press ok again and it will search for system update, just wait for 2 minutes
after that, a display pop-up box will show and it will asks you to enter a file
now locate your install directory C:WestwoodSUN then select the file name "Game.EXE".

7. After patching, go again to download folder and extract "No-Cd Crack" to desktop.

8. Now run the file "TibSun203Crk" then click "Crack It!" then locate the file "Game.EXE"
and click open. This will crack the game.

PS: for Windows 7 Users, go to install directory, locate "Game.EXE" > Right Click > Troubleshoot Compatibility
> Try recommended settings > Start the program > if the game works, click Next and Yes, save these setting for this program.

Done! You successfully installed Tiberian Sun! You can now play the game.


Now I'll add Instruction on how to Install the expansion (Firestorm)

After You have successfully installed Tiberian Sun.

1. Download the game.

2. Install the game by mounting the .nrg file using daemoon tools. (same process with Tiberian Sun)

3. Now open disc image and copy ff. files


then paste to install directory. (replace files if asked)

4. Create desktop shorcut of the "Game.EXE"

5. Damn your done, time to play this badass game!